On this page will all documents, reports, etc will be published
- dPMR Association . (2012). dPMR Whitepaper Issue 1.3 .
- ETSI TR 102 884. (2013-02). digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR) General System Design.
- ETSI TS 102 658. (2015-07). Digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR) using FDMA with a channel spacing of 6,25 kHz.
- ETSI TR 103 784. (2022-06). V1.1.1 Digital VHF Martime Radio; Air interface for voice and data services using FDMA in 6,25 KHz bandwidth
- IALA ENAV Committee. (2019-04). Digitisation of Maritime Services - digital VHF voice.
- ITU-R M.1084-5. (2012). Recommendation ITU-R M.1084-5 Interim solutions for improved efficiency in the use of the band 156-174 MHz by stations in the maritime mobile service.
- ITU-R M.493-16. (2023). Digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service.
- ITU-R M.585-9. (2022). Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service.
- ECC Report 329 (2021) Implementation of digital voice radio telephony in the VHF maritime mobile band
- ITU-R M.2530-0 (2023) Digital voice communication in the VHF maritime frequency band